Murray Language Academy is a World Language Magnet Chicago Public School offering French, Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish to students in grades kindergarten through eight. Located in Chicago’s Hyde Park community, it is just north of the University of Chicago and the Museum of Science and Industry.
Our school is named after Philip Murray, 1886 -1952, a president of the United Steel Workers of America. Immigrating to the United States in 1902, Murray worked in the Pennsylvania coal mines. When discharged for fighting with a foreman, miners struck, forming a local of the United Mine Workers of America. In 1904, Murray was elected local president. A skillful negotiator, he rose to the vice presidency of the national union by 1920. He became vice president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations-CIO and in 1936, headed its successful organizing campaign. Murray was elected president of the United Steel Workers in 1942 when that union was formed. He retained the presidency of both the CIO and the United Steel Workers until his death.
Murray Elementary School opened in December 1954 and became a World Language Magnet School in 1981. Magnet schools offer a curriculum organized around a specific theme, such as math/science, fine arts or world language. Our students are from throughout the city and reflect diverse racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. There is no testing of students to enter Murray Language Academy and transportation is provided for students who live within a 1.5-6.0 miles from the school. Once enrolled, students stay at Murray Academy through eighth grade. In the last few years, Murray underwent a major building expansion that included new classrooms, a media center, computer lab, cafeteria, lunchroom and physical education facility.
Murray Language Academy believes that the opportunity to study a foreign language provides students with an advantage for success in a world whose challenges are increasingly global in scope. Our mission is to offer a challenging and enriched curriculum, in a nurturing climate, that develops student abilities in all of the fundamental learning areas, through literacy and the world language program.
The Murray Academy vision is to prepare and inspire students to be lifelong learners and active, responsible citizens in a global society. Our vision is supported through the partnerships with our parents, faculty, staff and community members; involving all in the creative aspects of the learning process.